Tobi stared at his mobile phone, his face flushed with anger, as scalding tears streamed down his cheeks. With a surge of frustration, he hurled the device to the ground, the jarring crash serving as an exclamation of his torment. He clutched his head in his hands and surrendered to wracking sobs, the weight of his emotions overpowering him. What was happening to him? Why did he find himself ensnared in this relentless cycle? The pursuit of a lasting solution eluded him, slipping through his fingers like sand. He had regressed once more, returning to the familiar patterns he had fought against. Since the inception of his college days, the temptations of drugs and pornography had slowly seeped into his life. A dark cloud of unresolved trauma hovered over him, stemming from the gruesome murder of his mother—a cherished businesswoman—who fell prey to hired assassins. The heavy burden of guilt weighed him down, the nagging thought that he could have saved her gnawing at his conscienc...
Explore. learn. Grow.